Pada akhir tahun 2009, Dinas Pendidikan Propinsi Riau mengadakan workshop KTSP Guru SMP se- Riau yang ditempatkan di beberapa Hotel yang ada di Pekan Baru, Di antaranya adalah di ASEAN HOTEL.
Di Asean Hotel ini merupakan workshop bagi Guru mata pelajaran IPS dan PKN SMP yang dipandu oleh Instruktur yang sudah berpengalaman, Rumpun IPS dan PKN sebagai mata pelajaran yang belum termasuk di UNkan, akan tetapi para peserta antusias mengikuti kegiatan workshop tersebut.
Kegiatan workshop ini, para peserta berlatih dalam membuat Pemetaan Standar Kompetensi, Kompetensi Dasar, pembuatan silabus, pembuatan RPP, kisi - kisi soal, kartu telaah soal serta materi pengembangan yang lain.
Sebagai Guru Mata pelajaran di SMPN 1 Enok, Indragiri Hilir berharap semoga, apa yang disampaikan oleh Instruktur bisa dilaksanakan di sekolah masing - masing, workshop ini memberikan pengetahuan tambahan yang sangat bermanfaat bagi para peserta workshop. Workshop ini bertujuan untuk :
- Mensosialisasikan Permendiknas Nomor 22, 23, dan 24 tentang KTSP
- Mendiskusikan Konsepsi Standar Kompetensi Lulusan SMP
- Mendiskusikan konsep dan prinsip yang berkenaan dengan bidang ajar masing - masing peserta
- Mendiskusikan dan menyusun program pengembangan silabus mata pelajaran yang terkait dengan bidang ajar
- Mendiskusikan dan menyusun perangkat pembelajaran lainnya seperti Rancangan Pembelajaran / skenario pembelajaran
- Mendiskusikan dan mengimplementasikan paradigma. metode dan strategi pembelajaran sesuai dengan pendekatan (approach ) yang dianut dalam KTSP
- Kemampuan dan ketrampilan dalam mempersiapkan , melaksanakan dan mengevaluasi PBM dalam rangka meningkatkan profesional Guru
- Menyetarakan kemampuan dan kemahiran Guru dalam melaksanakan kegiatan belajar mengajar sehingga dapat menunjang usaha peningkatan dan pemerataan mutu pendidikan
- mendiskusikan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh Guru dalam melaksanakan tugas sehari - hari dan mencari penyelesaian yang sesuai dengan karakteristik mata pelajaran, Guru, kondisi sekolah dan lingkungan sekolah dan lingkungan sekolah masing - masing
- Saling berbagi informasi dan pengalaman dalam rangka menyesuaikan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan tehnologi
- Wiyono, S.Pd ( Guru SMPN 1 ENOK, INDRAGIRI HILIR )
- Eriyanthi, SH.I ( Guru SMPN 2 Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan)
- Ramsiah, S.Pd ( Guru SMPN 2 Batang Gangsal, INHU )
- Mindahayati, S.Pd ( Guru SMPN 4 Dumai )
- Presley LM. Silalahi, S.Pd ( Guru SMP Satap Rangsang, Pelalawan)
- M. Pasaribu, S.Pd ( Guru SMPS Johan Sentosa, Seberida INHU )
- Fatima Zahara, S.Pd ( Guru SMPN 1 B. Sekijang, Pelalawan )
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If you're on trips by plane or train, There are various backpacks, Duffle suitcases, bags, Laptop bags, And tote bags that report off your school spirit. Toss in a college logo robe and some slippers to feel completely at home on the road. Regardless of what you get there, You can display to the world you're a fan,If you are researching for drink ware to be imprinted with the company logo and message, We recommend you to choose from our travel mugs and tumblers made from plastic in the eco friendly category. Mugs have invariably been a smart option for companies as they are reused by customers, So this means repetitive brand recall. For a higher relation to corporate visitors, Promote your business by giving away eco friendly pens, Pencils, Notepads, Etc to potential clients, Colleagues and even challengers,Although some desserts can be made in advance[url=]Dvd[/url] When thinking about bags, It is not only the bag itself that defines how stylish you are. Alternatively, It's ways to match the bag with your outfit, And how you can carry yourself and the bag. Whether want the classic look or a modern getup, Being stylish with your bag will be focused on good mixing and matching,I do sometimes experience taking the time to pack food the night before when I have a busy day and then forgetting it in the morning. So that can assist you me. It's really a habit that I'm actually pretty awesome at already (It's my secret weapon as the trainer told us :) And one thing I think is important is that people eat your snack.[url=]dvd[/url] These lids made of hard and sturdy materials are for sale for any type of bags that you use for your bike. This leather lid is known for being able to bend, Thereby facilitating the quick and easy installation. Leather lid inserts are most economical and can fit into any stringent budget.Playing the game is the main event that the gamers have to save more energy for their next shot. Using a trolley can save player's energy that leads to more focus on their game. That's why it is vital to choose the perfect trolley, There are three basic strategies or methods that can be employed to successfully treat ant problems. These three equipment include: test, Chemical treatment plans, But also baiting. An inspection is the first step in managing an ant problem because it is vital that the ant species be correctly identified.Chamomile tea bags immersed in lukewarm water acts as anti-inflammatory and skin toning agent. Said involving, This is a good home remedy for bags under the eyes. Try this home cure take a cup full of lukewarm water and place some chamomile teabags.[url=]Dvd[/url] Less affordable, Specialized sleeping-bags use premium shell material, Particularly Gore DryLoft and nylon. The shell material is not an particularly crucial factor in selecting the best sleeping bag. Nevertheless, If you are camping in a wet or humid ambiance, Water resistant or resistant material such as Dryloft or microfiber are best.Use laundry bags to keep scheduled clothing or fabrics. Reserved or unused fabrics like bedsheets and linen, Which are used occasionally, Extremely kept in laundry bags and hung in closet spaces. One reasons why laundry bags, Chiefly mesh laundry bags, Are good to store linen is simply wouldn't smell like old wood or termites unlike if you keep them in a wooden cabinet.Luxembourg. Macau. Makedonia. Like the majority of things, Sandbags aren't superb. They won't save you in all flood situations. You should not place them in standing water, So if an area is flooded, It's too far gone for sandbags. Regularly, But the irregular shape will be hidden so as to keep the type of the gift a total secret. And there are methods you can dress up a bag, At the same time, In order even a garbage bag becomes festive and fun. Get effective,Always try to make sure your bags are ticketed and marked correctly before leaving the luggage checkin center
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